октомври 14, 2019
Comments and Suggestion Form for the projectDojran – Tourist pearl of Southeast MacedoniaMunicipality of Dojran within the “Local and Regional Competitiveness Project” supported by the EU, administered by the World Bank and implemented by the Cabinet for Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, project component „Investment in tourism-related infrastructure and linkages at destinations”,prepared and submitted a project proposal called „Dojran – Toursit pearl of Southeast Macedonia”for obtaining grant for financing the project.The main goalof the project is to enhance the tourism development in the Municipality of Dojran through the following activities that are part of the project: Renovation of Green recreational zone – City Park Dojran, renovation of Open summer scene, reconstruction of access road to Open summer scene and arrangement of space around the Open summer scene.As a part of the project proposal, Municipality of Dojranprepared an Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project Dojran – Toursit pearl of Southeast Macedonia”in order to identify and estimate the potential impacts on the environmental impacts of the project activities. The plan also contains measures for prevention, minimization and mitigation of the possible negative impacts from the realization of the planned project activities.Electronic version of the Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project Dojran – Toursit pearl of Southeast Macedonia”is available at:Municipality of Dojranwww.opstinadojran.gov.mkProject Implementation Unit:www.lrcp.mkAgency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in Macedonia:www.tourismmacedonia.gov.mkHard copy of the Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project Dojran – Toursit pearl of Southeast Macedonia” is available at these locations:1.       Project Implementation Unit (PIU)Local and Regional Competitiveness Project (LRCP)Address: ul. Gjuro Gjakovich no. 60/1, SkopjeTelephone: 02 32 53 818Environmental expert: Ljubomir PetkovskiE-mail: ljubomir.petkovski@lrcp.org.mk2.       Municipality of DojranAddress:str Kej 5 – ti Noemvri, NN 1487 Star DojranTelephone: 00389 (0)34  225  278Person in charge: Mito VelchevЕ-mail: dojran@t.mk Please, if you have any comment/suggestion or amendment on the proposed measures in the Environmental and Social Management Planfor the projectDojran – Toursit pearl of Southeast Macedonia” submit it to the responsible personslisted in this document within the period of at least 14 days from the date of Environmental and Social Management Plan publication.(date of publication:____________).Please send your comments on the Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project Dojran – Toursit pearl of Southeast Macedonia”to the listed e-mails, or in the offices of the Municipality of Dojran and/or Project Implementation Unit.Thank you in advance.
Reference number: ______________________________(to be filled by the project)
First and Last name*  
Contact information*  Е-mail: ______________________________Telephone: ______________________________ 
Signature ______________________Date ____________________

* Information in this field is optional

  • Comment_Suggestion_Template_Dojran_EN-1 docx (23kb)

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